New York Post

Musk’s Takeover of Twitter Reminds Me of PE Tech M&A in 2003

With Some Important Twists

John Mecke
11 min readNov 2, 2022


Elon Musk’s $44 Billion takeover of Twitter will be another radical shift for the software industry. In many way what has transpired in the past week reminds me of Private Equity Tech M&A in the early 2000s. There are some very important differences however. Will the X super app be the long-term savior of Twitter and another huge notch in Elon’s belt?

In this article we will discuss:

  • Private Equity Tech M&A In 2003
  • In 2022, Twitter was Struggling, but Not Distressed
  • Musk’s Deal and the Challenges He Faces
  • Musk’s Potential 7-Step Plan
  • 1. There’s a New Sheriff in Town
  • 2. Decapitate the Old Culture
  • 3. Send in the Shock Troops
  • 4. Challenge Sacred Cows
  • 5. Experiment with New Revenue Streams
  • 6. Restructure Operating Expenses
  • 7. Eliminate Stock Buybacks

Private Equity Tech M&A In 2003

After the DotCom Crash of 2000, private equity stepped into the tech M&A game in a big way. PE firms would find underperforming assets, acquire them…



John Mecke

John has over 25 years of experience in leading product management and corporate development organizations for enterprise firms.