Pitchbook NVCA 2021 Venture Monitor

Pitchbook NVCA Q4 2021 Venture Monitor

11 Key Stats that Describe VC in 2021

John Mecke
3 min readFeb 6, 2022


Every year Pitchbook and the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) publish a comprehensive report on the VC industry. You can download the entire report and supporting Excel models here Eleven extracts from the report include:

  1. VC 2021 Deal Count & Value
  2. Dramatic Increase in Public Exits
  3. Angel & Seed Activity
  4. Late Stage VC Activity
  5. Regional VC Activity
  6. Enterprise Tech VC 2021
  7. VC Venture Debt 2021
  8. Female VC Founders 2021
  9. Nontradtional VC Investors 2021
  10. VC Exit Valuation Spike 2021
  11. 2021 League Tables

VC 2021 Deal Count & Value

Pitchbook NVCA

Pitchbook NVCA 2021 Venture Monitor

Dramatic Increase in Public Exits



John Mecke

John has over 25 years of experience in leading product management and corporate development organizations for enterprise firms.